Hey there,
I know your time is valuable, so I'll get right to the point.
I need your advice!
I’m putting the finishing touches on a new masterclass called “How To Find Superstar Employees And Avoid Hiring Whiners & Slackers!”
I want to make sure I don’t leave anything out, so will you let me know your biggest questions, roadblocks, and obstacles about recruiting, hiring, and retaining superstar employees in your small business?
It could be anything. You may think it’s silly. All you have to do is type your concerns in the boxes and click Get Access Now!.
To help you jog your thought process I've included responses from other small business owners. It's okay if you repeat any of those listed below.
In exchange for your advice, I’ll give you the Top Ten Ways to Grow Your Business Today one-pager, a FREE 30-minute one-on-one Laser Coaching consultation, and FREE access to my masterclass when it is finished.
This course will sell for $497 in the near future, but you’ll get special access to experience the course free when you let me know your biggest questions, roadblocks, and obstacles to hiring superstar employees.
Okay, here is the easy form…
Don "Dark Horse" Kermath
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